SIT changes “Programa de Alimentação do Trabalhador” inspection standard
14/09/2017Debts consolidation procedures were established in resumption of Refis
CVM provides changes in the important act or fact
The Securities and Exchange Commission (Comissão de Valores Mobiliários - “CVM”) amended provisionsof CVM Instruction 358 of Jan-3-2002 and CVM Instruction 461, of Oct-23-2007, through the publication of CVM Instruction 590 in the Official Gazette, of Sep-12-2017, and brought new guidelines on disclosure of important act or fact, including those related to the information notice while the market is open.
Directors, management and tax boards members and any bodies with technical or advisory functions created by the company's bylaws to file and update, when necessary, a list containing the name and CNPJ or CPF registration number of people linked to them at the moment they are invested into office or when the documents are filed for registration as a publicly held company with the CVM.
The device that linked the company's securities in Brazil trading suspension simultaneously to the negotiation held in other countries in which they are also traded was repealed.
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