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26/02/2018EFD-Reinf: DPC promotes on-demand training for client
Fisco Fácil guarantees more agility in tracking tax and tax issues
Issuance non-overdue liability certificates, state taxpayer registration clearance, and consultation of fiscal mesh. These are the services to which taxpayers and accountants may access through Fisco Fácil, a Rio de Janeiro Finance and Planning Department tool, which makes these processes more agile throughout the state.
It is necessary to have a Digital Certificate for individuals or legal entities (e-CPF or e-CNPJ) to access. Consultations to the issuance of non-overdue liability certificates and state taxpayer registration clearance are free. By monitoring these functionalities, it is possible to identify pending issues, resolve them before opening administrative tax processes, and avoid the need to attend a tax audit.
The fiscal mesh consultations allow the verification of any differences that Treasury may monitor, allowing the taxpayer to adjust before the tax authorities actions and the application of penalties. The tool presents basic guidelines for regularization of cases, which, if properly handled, are removed in up to three days.
The expectation is that Fisco Fácil will also soon provide queries to the taxpayer's current account, billing notices, and other resources. Thus, the channel itself may point divergences for meshes data crossing and issue notices by e-mail. Following the proposal to also work as a relationship platform, the possibility to include files and comments from tax auditor in specific fields has also been studied.
The automation of the relationship between the taxpayer and the state treasury tends to reduce bureaucracy in the follow-up of accessory obligations’ pending cases, since it provides agile and direct information to interested parties. On the other hand, by pointing irregularities that are occurring close to generating event, companies should organize themselves even more precisely to send accurate information to Treasury. In addition, it is necessary to dedicate to the constant processes monitoring and to be attentive to the communications transmitted through this channel.
In the evaluation of Adriana Costa, Domingues e Pinho Contadores director, although this tool provides an electronic approach and a dialogue with Treasury, the performance of a specialized advice and that may comprehensively guide the taxpayer remains necessary. "Ideally is that companies may count on a quality accounting service, which helps to avoid the emergence of pending. Nonetheless, if nonconformities arise, the taxpayer should be well advised on the solution, avoiding that the failures generate processes and lead to tax authorities actions", she emphasizes.
Domingues e Pinho Contadores, reference in accounting outsourcing and business management, has experts’ team able to assist companies. "We act in support of companies on a permanent basis, with guidelines in the tax area to keep fiscal regularity and integrity of the presented data", completes Adriana Costa.
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