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Mandatory use of NF-e version 4.0 is postponed to August 2
A new amendment was published in Technical Note 2016.002 (version 1.60) at the Electronic Invoice Website, on Jun-18-2018, which, among other changes, extended the deactivation date of version 3.10 of NF-e to Aug-02-2018.
Previously scheduled for Jul-01-2018, the mandatory use of the NF-e 4.0 was postponed Aug-02-2018. Therefore, those who perform operations with goods should take advantage of this extension of deadline to be prepared.
It is relevant to inform that the production environment to receive the NF-e in version 4.0 and containing the deployment of this Technical Note version will be on Jul-07-2018, thus enabling taxpayers to issue their tax documents already in the new version, through the most recent validation criteria and data established by the tax authority.
Important: The deadline for the mandatory adoption of version 4.0 of the Electronic Consumer Invoice - NFC-e (model 65) remains by Oct-02-2018, since the previous version will be deactivated only on Oct-01-2018.
Find more information on NF-e 4.0 at:
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