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Do not miss the new deadline for inclusion of the final beneficiary in the CNPJ

It is worth mentioning that, since July 2017, in addition to entities domiciled abroad, domestic entities are also required to provide information on their final beneficiaries, through the National Collector at registration with the CNPJ. The Normative Instruction 1634/2017, revoked on Dec-28-2018, established the deadline to Dec-31-2018 to update the registrations with the final beneficiary information by the entities enrolled in the CNPJ before Jul-1-2017.

Non-Overdue Liability Certificates: Why keeping them up-to-date?

It is very important to keep up with tax obligations, an indispensable requirement when there is a need to maintain assets, participate in bids, make bank loans, or any other transaction that needs to attest the company’s liability. To prove this condition, it is necessary to present several documents, among them, the Non-Overdue Liability Certificates (Certidões Negativas de Débitos - “CND”).
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