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Schedule of tax obligations for the second half-year still reserves some news

After a first half-year with many tax obligations, news and adjustments, it is time to prepare to meet the schedule for the second six-month’s period. The period promises to be busy due to new phases and Sped modules deadlines, in addition, of course, to the fulfillment of other obligations that already monthly accompany the companies.

Country-by-Country Reporting 2018

The report acts as an annual statement, where multinational groups should provide to the tax administration of the residence jurisdiction for tax purposes of their final controller with various information and indicators related to the location of their activities, the global allocation of income and taxes paid and due.

DPC promotes EFD Contribuições training

EFD Contribuições is a digital file established in SPED, intended to legal entities under private law in the bookkeeping of Pis/Pasep and Cofins contributions calculation of, in cumulative and non-cumulative systems.

BEPS requires companies to adapt to the international tax scenario

In times of new business models and digital economy, BEPS proposes a fifteen-package measure to check gaps and international standards incompatibilities, to prevent companies from finding loopholes to pay fewer taxes and transfer profits to low taxation territories and few economic activities.

EFD-Reinf: Important issues in adaptation to the system

The Tax Digital Bookkeeping and Other Tax Information (EFD-Reinf) is a module of the Public Digital Bookkeeping System (Sped), complementary to the System for Tax, Social Security, and Labor Obligations Digital Bookkeeping (eSocial), already in force.

EFD-Reinf schedule: who should file and deadline

EFD-Reinf, established by RFB Normative Instruction No. 1701/2017, is an SPED module, to be used by legal and individuals, in addition to eSocial. Both are accessory obligations to be met in 2018 that already require a great attention in its deployment, and will highly influence the companies' routines.

eSocial: expectations for the second deployment phase

Since March 1, the second phase of eSocial deployment has been in progress for companies with gross revenues greater than BRL 78 million, which are required to file non-recurring events data, corresponding to turnovers or changes in employee’s life at the company (hiring, leaves and terminations).
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