Consulting in System Deployment and Automation

Optimizing productivity, managing large volumes of data and ensuring compliance. These are a few of the numerous challenges that managers face nowadays

You can count on the support of DPC’s specialists to automate processes and deploy systems and technological solutions to boost productivity and efficiency while complying with the rules in force.

Specialized team

Thanks to a cross-functional team, made up of professionals from various fields, including developers, engineers and designers, DPC's Products & Innovation department designs and deploys custom projects, adopting agile methodologies while being mindful of the client’s current business situation, future projections, needs and goals.

Setup and validation of ERPs

Regardless of the client’s ERP of choice, we provide support in the implementation of business standards, application and compliance with the legislation in setting up management systems, validation of settings and approval of accounting and tax systems, pursuant to the enforceable regulations and legal requirements.

  • Validation of settings and processes in the deployment of accounting, tax, labor and financial modules.
  • Analysis and validation of ancillary obligations.
  • Assisted operation.

Digital Payroll Department

Assistance in the deployment of the main personnel management tools on the market, either in full or in modules. Available in web and app versions, these are multifunctional systems that are user-friendly and allow for easy remote access. They also provide a managerial overview that streamlines team management.

Check out some of these modules below:
  • Dashboards
  • Online time and attendance control
  • Digital paychecks
  • Vacation management
  • Medical certificates
  • Employment termination


From our understanding of the client's process and based on specific rules in place, our team develops RPA - Robotic Process Automation solutions that collect, interpret and process data automatically, without human intervention.

    Below are some of the tasks that can be performed by software bots:
  • Uploads and downloads
  • Delivery of e-mails
  • Web querying
  • Registrations
  • Reports
  • Other repetitive, routine and high-volume tasks.

Automated spreadsheets

Automated spreadsheets or smart spreadsheets can be developed in Excel and VBA, and may be fully customized to automate countless and varied tasks.

Check out some of their possible applications:

Are you interested?

Please, contact us so we can understand your demand and offer the best solution for you and your company.

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