State law increases ICMS rates, affects tax benefits and tax substitution regime, generating an increase in the Tax.
The maximum deadlines plus these sixty days reach 240 days, even in consecutive or interspersed periods, limited to the duration of the state of public calamity.
The settlement of the registration status must be done by December 31.
Whenever there is a transfer of assets and rights from one person to another through inheritance or donation, it is necessary to consider the incidence of the Tax on Cause Mortis and Donation Transmission (ITCMD).
The canceled ordinance included the Coronavirus (Covid-19) in LDRT. However, after the publication of the new text, the disease is no longer part of that list, and is no longer associated with work.
Only the phases that would start in September, in addition to the groups that were not yet required, had the deadlines postponed.
Alters Normative Instruction RFB nº 1.520 / 2014, which provides for the taxation of profits earned abroad by legal entities domiciled in the Country.
As of Sep-01-2020, the access to the e-CAC Portal will be only via Access Code or Acesso Gov.br.
The Decree 10,470 extends the deadlines of the agreements of Emergency Benefit for the Preservation of Employment and Income (BEm) for up to 180 days.
The deadline to file the report on the base date of June 30, 2020 will end at 6:00 p.m. on September 5, 2020.