The new rules for release of the withdrawal of values from active and inactive FGTS and PIS/PASEP accounts brought by MP are measures aimed at improving the economy and positively impacting Gross Domestic Product.
RFB Normative Instruction 1,902 rules the filing of Tax on Rural Property Report of 2019 from August 12 to September 30, 2019.
Rules the special regime of industrialization of goods destined to the exploration, development and production of oil, natural gas and other fluid hydrocarbons.
Maintaining or regularizing the situation of domestic employees is not an easy job. Employers should be aware to the reporting of this employment relationship in “eSocial Domestico”.
It establishes procedural rules for the examination of temporary and exceptional reduction requests of the Import Tax rate for capital assets - BK and IT and telecommunications assets - BIT with no equivalent nationwide production, through an Ex-tariff system.
Changes some provisions of the Drei Normative Instruction 15/2013 and the Registration Manual Limited Liability Companies (Drei Instruction 38/2017).
It is an action linking bottle’s plastic caps, environmental awareness and solidarity. This is "Rodando com Tampinhas", a project that the teams of DPC hugged with great enthusiasm.
Federal Revenue of Brazil published the Normative Instruction establishing and disciplining the obligation to provide information on operations performed with cryptoactive, effective from Aug-01-2019.
Under the justification of reducing bureaucracy and stimulating the generation of jobs, the government announced the modernization of eSocial.