
Adjustment of Benefits Paid through the INSS

Publishes the wages-of-contribution table of insured employees, domestic employees and single employees for generating events occurring as of January/2019, readjusts the benefits paid by the National Social Security Institute (INSS) in 3.43%, and establishes the values of the family wage.

DPC extends its support to social and cultural projects

Being engaged in social causes means making a difference in society. The DPC began this year aiming to increasingly being present in the causes in which it believes and involving its employees in the supported projects, strengthening this practice within the company.

Siscoserv – Recent changes should be  followed

Siscoserv should provide information on transactions between residents or domiciled in Brazil and residents or domiciled abroad including services, intangibles and other operations that produce changes in individuals, legal entities or depersonalized entities equity. For more details about Siscoserv, we have a summary here.