
Domingues e Pinho Contadores joins IBP

Domingues e Pinho Contadores (DPC) became part of the associate network of the Brazilian Institute of Petroleum, Gas, and Biofuels (IBP). The initiative is in line with DPC’s objectives, whose portfolio has a significant portion made up of clients in this area.

DPC participate to 2018 OTC in Houston

Domingues e Pinho Contadores, represented by directors João Henrique Brum and Luciana Uchôa, is in business mission in 2018 edition of OTC - Offshore Technology Conference, considered the world’ most important oil and gas fair. The event takes place in Houston, in United States, from April 30 to May 3.

RFB discontinued Derex filing

The Federal Revenue of Brazil (RFB) Normative Instruction 1801 terminated the Statement for the Use of Foreign Currency Resources from Exports Reception (Derex), whose filing was mandatory for individuals or legal entities resident or domiciled in Brazil, maintaining foreign currency resources overseas.