
Transfer Pricing: DPC invests in its professionals’ updating

Investment in the updating of the professionals to deliver even better results to the clients: with this aim in mind, Domingues e Pinho Contadores promoted the “Transfer Pricing” training, a subject of great importance that requires the specialization of professionals who work in the accounting and taxes areas.

Country-by-Country Reporting 2018

The report acts as an annual statement, where multinational groups should provide to the tax administration of the residence jurisdiction for tax purposes of their final controller with various information and indicators related to the location of their activities, the global allocation of income and taxes paid and due.

DPC promotes EFD Contribuições training

EFD Contribuições is a digital file established in SPED, intended to legal entities under private law in the bookkeeping of Pis/Pasep and Cofins contributions calculation of, in cumulative and non-cumulative systems.

Innovative leadership: DPC immerses in the Disney world

The course highlights the business culture with a focus on leadership, services quality and customer service. Through this case, the participant is led to a reflection on his entrepreneurial vision, as well as how to engage his or her team and deploy improvements in the company’s management itself.