The 2018 Individual’s Income Tax Statement (Declaração de Imposto de Renda de Pessoa Física - “DIRPF”) (base year 2017), whose deadline extends by April 30, requires a lot of attention and organization for taxpayers who wants to be free of the fine mesh.
On February 28, the first phase of eSocial deployment was closed for companies with an annual turnover greater than BRL 78 million, in which the employer registration data and item tables were informed. See what were the strongest experiences for our specialists and clients.
The Observatório Social do Rio de Janeiro (OSB-Rio) promoted the event "Transparência e Ética nas Contas Públicas" (Transparency and Ethics in Public Accounts, in a free translation), on March 13, at OAB-RJ's headquarters, where it gave the audience to know its actions in 2017.
The period in which taxpayers are required to provide annual information to Treasury and Central Bank is ongoing. In order to guide this public, on March 12, the Portuguese Chamber Commerce of Rio de Janeiro and Domingues e Pinho Contadores (DPC) promoted the seminar "Obrigações Fiscais das Pessoas Físicas: Imposto de Renda e Capitais Brasileiros no Exterior” (Individuals’ Tax Obligations: Income Tax and Brazilian Capitals Abroad).
On Feb-02-2018, Federal Revenue of Brazil (RFB) disclosed at SPED Portal an information on the stages of the schedule for the production of the Digital Tax Withholding and Other Tax Information (EFD-Reinf).
DPC’s experts promote customized events for companies, addressing diverse contents in the areas of taxes, labor, and social security, according to the particularities universe of each business.
Issuance non-overdue liability certificates, state taxpayer registration clearance, and consultation of fiscal mesh. These are the services to which taxpayers and accountants may access through Fisco Fácil, a Rio de Janeiro Finance and Planning Department tool, which makes these processes more agile throughout the state.
The Law 13,467/2017, known as the labor reform law, brought many changes in labor relations. Among the most important points, we have change in the rules dealing with the working day, as the text explains.
The Federal Revenue of Brazil, continuing the revision of the legislation applicable to oil and gas related activities, published Normative Instruction 1786/2018, in January 30, 2018, once more dealing with changes in the tax treatment of exploration and oil and natural gas development and production activities.
Domingues e Pinho is always looking for customized solutions to attend satisfactorily the clients, which are part of its portfolio.