Mindful of our social mission, we go far beyond our field of operation. Through DPC Transforma, our Social and Environmental Responsibility program, we promote both internal activities with our employees and external efforts in support of socio-cultural projects. In addition to raising awareness about the impacts of our daily actions, the program aims to encourage the adoption of simple but game-changing practices, helping to build the society we long for.

The program also seeks to promote new means of access to culture and education, especially amid such a challenging economic scenario, thus contributing to the development of the regions where we operate and reinforcing our social commitment and corporate responsibility.

Learn about the foundations of DPC Transforma:

Every year, we select and sponsor projects in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo through culture incentive laws effective in each municipality. This effort further reinforces DPC's goal of being increasingly engaged in relevant actions that promote transformation and make a positive impact on society.

Find out more about the projects we supported in 2024:

Hacktudo – Digital Culture Festival

Hacktudo offers an immersion in tech-related topics. This event showcases innovation and brings together a range of events that include a competition for the development of creative solutions, an interactive exhibit on art and technology, a display of maker projects, innovative workshops, and activities with drones and augmented reality. There are also efforts aimed at the empowerment of girls and women through technology.

Held since 2017 and with free admission, each edition of the festival has amassed an average of 20,000 attendees, among children, teenagers and adults.​​​​​​​

Multiplique o Bem

Based on the idea that knowledge is a tool capable of changing people's lives, the Multiplique o Bem (Multiply Good) project aims to promote teaching methods that are more engaging and interactive in order to get young people motivated to stay in school.

This effort aims to implement workshops on robotics, game development, design, computer programming and animation in public schools for 250 students, and provide training for 200 teachers and hold an annual competition involving 50 projects.

Tack Festival + Desafio Tack

The Desafio Tack (Tack Challenge) helps ignite the entrepreneurial spirit within high school students from government institutions. Based on the methodology of the Innovation Camp Program, run by non-profit NGO, Junior Achievement - the world's largest youth entrepreneurship organization - this competition tasks teams of students with designing innovative solutions to cultural issues.

The activity brings together over 250 teenagers from 20 public schools across the country. The winning team is awarded a trip to the Brazil Conference in Harvard, USA.

In 2024, the Tack Festival enters its 7th edition. This is a free event held in the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden, with a whole day dedicated to workshops and innovative activities, and the announcement of the winning team of the Tack Challenge.


Desafio nas Escolas

"Desafio nas Escolas" is a TV and internet education series that inspires public schools to overcome challenges. In each episode, a new school is featured, and students have the opportunity to choose a problem that can be solved. From there, the students join forces in a task force to solve the problem and change their own reality.


Favela Potência

The “Favela Potência” project promotes educational activities focused on culture and entrepreneurship in low-income communities across the city of Rio de Janeiro. Efforts include workshops on art, music, dancing, computer classes, English language, technology, financial literacy, sports, etc. In addition, in-person seminars are held with teachers and artists who perform on shows that take place inside and outside the favela.