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Federal Revenue Office approves data sharing system
Ordinance RFB No. 81, published in the Federal Official Journal on December 1st, approved the Compartilha Receita Federal system, and determined the rules for its operation.
The Compartilha Receita Federal will allow individuals and legal entities to authorize sharing of data and information owned by them, which are held by the Special Secretariat of the Brazilian Federal Revenue Office (Receita Federal do Brasil - RFB), with third parties indicated in the respective authorization.
Autonomy for the owner
Use is optional and free of charge for the owner, who may:
- create, consult and cancel, at any time, the sharing actions carried out on the system;
- specify the shared data and information;
- indicate the third party who may receive the data and information; and
- define the sharing duration period.
Sharing will include the information available in the data base when the order is placed. Gradually, the agency will expand the dataset.
How will it work
The system will be made available on the e-CAC Portal and used through authentication with digital identity from the Gov.br platform.
Upon the owner's authorization, the Federal Revenue Office will create an encrypted file with the data, which will be sent through an interface provided by the Federal Data Processing Service (Serviço Federal de Processamento de Dados - Serpro).
The Federal Revenue Office informs that, after sending the data and information specified by the owner, it is not responsible for how it is handled by the indicated third party.
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CEP 27910-110 | Tel: +55 (22) 2773-3318