On February 22, the Federal Revenue Secretariat published the RFB Normative Instruction 1871, which deals with the 2019 Income Tax Statement for Individuals (2019 DIRPF) - calendar year 2018, to be filed from Mar-07 to Apr-30-2019.
The beginning of the year is always an important period for companies as it is time to plan for the changes provide for the tax legislation.
The Public Digital Bookkeeping System, SPED, is an advance in the computerization of the relationship between the tax authorities and the taxpayers, encouraging, also, more transparency of the information. It is a tool that unifies the filed, validation and storage of various information (accounting, tax, labor, social security, among others) of legal entities. It has several modules (see next image) with different characteristics and deadlines.
<h1>Transfer price: efficiency of the process should be on the tax agenda of multinationals</h1> <br /> <p>With the process of globalization that has been going on […]
Companies should be aware of changes in the obligations’ schedule and observe the reforms promises in Brazil's fiscal policy.
In times when cost reduction is an objective pursued by companies, the tax planning becomes even more strategic.
In January 2019, IFRS 16 came into force, imposing changes in the leasing records of companies, such as leasing vehicles, offices and other types of assets.
In times of crisis, companies have been using more and more the tax credit recovery in order to minimize the impact of taxes on their operations. This legal alternative can give cash back to boost the finances.
Tax obligations and many acronyms are old known to anyone who undertakes in Brazil. However, accountability in an integrated digital environment extends taxpayers' accountability for the assertiveness of information sent to enforcement agents at the national, state, or municipal levels.
The tax review is a complete diagnosis of the company's fiscal behavior, fundamental to charting its current outlook. This work analyzes the fiscal and tax area in a global way, in order to map situations that can be corrected.