Tax Outsourcing

Flexible solutions, tailored to the segment, size and particularities of each business to ensure your company's compliance.

Domingues e Pinho Contadores has a team dedicated to providing tax outsourcing services with in-depth knowledge, always up to date with the constant changes in the legal obligations and requirements.

Information compliance with accuracy and reliability

The team is responsible for processing tax ledgers, focusing on the taxes levied on transactions (IPI, PIS, Cofins, ICMS, and ISS), in compliance with the rules applicable to the transactions carried out across the various business sectors in which our clients operate.

In addition to keeping your tax obligations under control, our team is always ready to identify new opportunities and supply management with accurate information, supporting business decision-making.

In-company or external tax outsourcing

DPC's tax outsourcing services are tailored to the client's needs, and we also offer them the possibility of in-company staff leasing.

By following well-defined procedures with the use of supporting technology and systems, DPC's tax experts are able to record, validate and analyze data with agility, full control and security.

Check out how DPC's Tax Outsourcing Services can help your company:

  • Analysis of tax documents.
  • Preparation of Tax Bookkeeping, pursuant to the standards applicable to each company.
  • Preparation and compliance with ancillary tax obligations, in line with the client's tax residency status, such as: ECF, DCTF and DCTFWeb, EFD-Reinf, DIRF, EFD Fiscal, EFD Contribuições, GIA, Nova Gia, DECLAN-IPM, DOT, DSE, etc.
  • Calculation of taxes levied on transactions (IPI, PIS, COFINS, ICMS and ISS).
  • Tax advisory and consulting services along with eventual encumbrances, with a focus on the company's daily operations and/or tax planning for new business activities, in order to identify the best practices in line with the laws in force.
  • Submission of queries aimed at the correct interpretation of the tax legislation, preparation of requests for special tax schemes to streamline the compliance with primary and/or ancillary tax obligations, filing of offset/refund claims for overpaid taxes.
  • Issuance of invoices.


In the event of a tax inspection, all information and documents are analyzed in advance before they are submitted to the auditors, and this service is provided with ethics, cordiality, discretion and excellence.

The team is responsible for providing the following services:

  • Tax Inspections at the Municipal, State and Federal levels.
  • Consulting services (internal and external) at the Municipal and State levels.
  • Preparation and monitoring of Formal Queries, Special Tax Schemes, Terms of Agreement, and any eventual correspondence with the tax authorities that may be deemed necessary.

Are you interested?

Please, contact us so we can understand your demand and offer the best solution for you and your company.